Team of Experts

Our schools-based team are not bound by the 4 walls of an office, they are all in schools delivering PE Pal on a daily basis. So, not only are we able to see the successes of our product in its natural habitat, but we can also iron out any bumps along the way to ensure PE Pal is the best it can be for the user at any given time.

Not only this, our team of primary school teachers, professional sports coaches, elite sports performers and school senior leaders, are all on hand to give 24/7 support in using our product; meaning we can speak from experience when you need us. No automated messages… no call centres… you have access to support from real people sharing the user experience with you.

School Sport Champions

PE Pal, working closely with their sister company, Atlas Sports, are super passionate to continue to drive the standards of primary school sport forwards. Our products and services will never be the finished product. We will continue to evolve and develop both product and service for both you as customers using PE Pal, and for the children we are lucky enough to teach in schools every week.

Please keep in touch regularly, let us know how you are getting on, and give us a shout any time if you need us!

0800 061 4198

Copyright 2025. PE Pal